Incloodo is the social network that promotes and allow the connection between groups. Join or incloode new members and grow your community based on a common interest.


Incloodo is the first social network where you can follow groups. not just single users. Choose the level of interaction with your group:

Level 0:

Follow your group without being part of it and see updates in the home feed, you will not be able to post content.

Level 1:

Become a member of the group to publish content and have direct interaction with all participants, you will need to be accepted by an owner or an admin.

Level 2:

Create a group and become an Owner to manage your community, assign admin roles, accept members, publish content and much more. The admins have the same "powers" as the Owners.


Our name is INCLOODO because we are AGAINST any kind of discrimination

Any user who does not respect this rule is not welcome. We promote inclusion and aggregation through a way of interaction that focuses on groups and shared experiences.

  • Inclusion
  • Aggregation

A unique Home feed with a totally rethought content navigation for an unprecedented user experience

In the Home Feed there are the contents of all the members of the groups you follow or belong to and in a few seconds you will be able to see all the contents of your interest. Swipe-up to update the contents and you will have everything you want to see at your fingertips without having to scroll, enter, exit groups, etc. .. simple and immediate!


Change your way of sharing, do it in an inclusive way

Incloodo is the start-up created to set up an inclusive community where the need for belonging prevails over that of individuality

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Incloodo srl - Via Luigi Majno 28, 20129 Milano

© 2022 Incloodo - All right reserved.
